Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Exclusive: Kim Kardashian Considers A Surrogate As She Is Unable Bare More Children!!!

E! News reports that Kim Kardashian could be forced to use a surrogate to carry her second baby because of a problem with her uterus. Her mother Kris Jenner suggests she should use Kourtney.
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 In a new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Fertility specialist Dr. Huang explained to Kim

You can still get pregnant, but it does expose you to risks during the pregnancy.
‘If I can’t guarantee that and surrogacy is the only way to give you a comfortable pregnancy and a nice healthy baby, we’ll talk about that.I’m going to do everything I can to clean it out and keep your uterus as perfect as possible, but still do it safe to you.’
Kim told Kris,
‘To have a surrogate is really scary to me. I don’t want one. I wouldn’t dare ask anyone to do that for me.’
‘I complained so much about how much I hated being pregnant and I never thought I would be begging to be pregnant,’Trying for baby number two is not fun like baby number one. I’m like "I’m ovulating in five minutes, get over here'

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‘It’s crazy because I had such an easy delivery, but right after you deliver the baby lives in this sac “ the placenta “ then you kind of give birth to that and it just kind of comes out. Mine went right back in me because it was stuck to a part of my uterus that it grew into.
When Kendall suggested a surrogate, Kim answered..

‘What if they’re like a lunatic? I’m going to have to have security around them. What if they run off with my baby and go raise my baby in a different country? I would only do that if I couldn’t carry another one.

A new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians as since aired on E online, make sure u keep it locked up with us on here to bring you latest about the Kardashians and trending fashions..